
We will connect all students to each other so that you might aid in each other’s search for a place to call home away from home…

The University of Calgary is close to where your classes will be and convenient by public transportation.  Arrive early and you will find university students with postings looking for roomates to share expenses.

Where to Stay?

School Main Location

Most of our classes will be in the North West part of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  

One suggestion is that you might find a connection with a local improviser who might rent out a room in their home or guide you to another opportunity.  

Need Help?

Contact US and we will do what we can to help guide you in your search for a place to stay for your visit.

Calgary is a big city.  Public transportation can take 90 minutes from one end to the other. You’ll want to be central or in the North central area to cut down on commuting.

Classified Advertisements in the Calgary Newspapers are another resource.

The Calgary Herald and Calgary Sun offer daily listings of rental accommodation.

Bulletin Boards
Check the bulletin boards on both University campus’ where students post advertisements looking for someone to share their accommodation.