Extra Info
EXTRAS & Entertainment
Explore, Educate, Entertain
Check below for interesting and entertaining bits and pieces that might add to your Impro wisdom.
Current Class
These are the risk takers who are diving into the unknown and developing their skills. Check out their writing and learn from their learning.
Here's a little collected info on:
Previous Students
We build on the lessons of those who precede us. Check out what they experienced, what they said and where they are now.

How we present improvisation can train us and our audience. Our formats support our artistic expression. Formats are NOT Improvisation. Formats are the packages that hold and guide inprovisation in ways that support our artistic direction.

Posts and Writing
A requirement to attend The Improvisation School is to give something back to the community. An opinion, a voice, a lesson, a realisation or question. These posts are pieces of the process for students on their journey that they express.
Monthly (maybe)…
A little collection of ideas, tips and updates that you might like.
Improvisation and ideas for you.