Application for The School

Hola, Guten Tag, Bonjour, Konnichi Wa, Hello

Thank you for your interest in THE IMPROVISATION SCHOOL.

The Improvisation School (IS) will open its doors to a small number of students every year from around the world.  This little questionairre is aimed at getting to know  you a little better.  In this way we can  prepare for the adventure ahead.

While we ask that all applicants to the school fill out the application, completing this form does not necssarily ensure you a spot in the course.  Applicants will be contacted to update them on their status.

If a position is reserved for them they will be informed and an intial payment will be  expected. The remaining applicants will be placed on a waiting list with the students who applied  earliest at the top of the list.

Please feel free to add any information that you are inspired to add or ignore any question that may inadvertently offend or you would rather not answer.  This is not a science.  It’s human as is improvisation so tell us about you.