


Calgary, Canada

At 1.2 million people, Calgary is Canada’s 4th largest city. Located  In the foothills at the edge of the Rocky Mountains, it receives an average of 2600 hours of sun per year. This makes Calgary the sunniest city in Canada. And don’t worry about the winter. A unique weather system called the Chinook can drive temperatures up to balmy spring conditions in just a few hours. 

And while you’re here,  spend some time at the Loose Moose theatre.

This 40+ year old icon in the Improvisation world Founded by Keith Johnstone and Mel Tonken, has a minimum of two shows per week.  Volunteer to take tickets and you might find yourself onstage as a member of one of the earliest Improvisation Theatres.

Calgary - The world's 4th most livable city... YAY!
Peace Bridge - Calgary

Loose Moose Theatre

 Loose Moose Theatre

National Music Centre

Visit the National Music Centre at Studio Bell for a concert and the occasional workshop.

Dont feed the bears!  BUT don’t miss them.  Visit the:

Rocky Mountains

Rocky Mountains

natural beauty

Come for the Improvisation... and enjoy the Complete Experience.

 An experience and a great adventure.


Average age of Calgarian


Languages spoken


kilometres Connected above ground walking system downtown


Kilometres of leisure trails. (550 kms of walking pathways + 260 kms of street bikeways)