Previous Students

Previous Students

If you ever studied with Shawn; 
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What does Improvisation mean to you?


2010 - Present

Shawn is 100% present with his students. He knows how to give each individual what they specifically need. I have never seen him teach an excercise the same way twice! The excercises change with whatever struggle needs to be addressed in any given moment. To me, that’s what makes him a a great teacher (and one, I’ll always want to work with, if I get the chance): He understands where you are in your process. And he helps you take the next step. 

Lena ForschProducer Wuerzburg International Improvisation festival, Performer Teacher,

2015 - Present

I take a class whenever Shawn’s in Germany.  Quote: “It’s better to possible fail from trying than to fail for certain by not trying at all”

Renate Shorte – Actress

2015 - 2018
Currently running MindMeld, a company doing Applied Improv for corporate or organizational teams who wants to get better at collaboration, communication and creativity.
Terje is based in Oslo, Norway and explores Improvisation daily.

Shawn is one of those rare teachers who manage not only to teach the basic principles of improv but also connects them to everything we do in life, in a fun and safe way! If I had to trademark it I’d call it Zenprov! Shawn’s probably one of the most experienced teachers in the world, together with his love for the art and humanity I can’t recommend him enough

2010 - 2013

Kitty, Shawn's Cat

I taught him more than he knows.  Improvisation is what you do in the rays of sunshine at 10:30 in the morning.

Improvisation is the birds singing… THOSE BIRDS!!! I will get them one of these days!


2012 -Present
Based in Slovenia, Currently, teaching and performing globally.

 Every time I get the opportunity to work with him I learn so much more. I can honestly say he is the best teacher and mentor I ever had.

Vid Sodnik

Iglu Performing and Workshops


Chia-Jung Liu

I still remember returning to Taipei after studying in Canada and people all saying I was stronger.  I still improvise. 
-Chia-Jung Liu – Actor, student


Anton Riksy

It’s been a while but I remember the 10 days we worked together adding so much to my work that I feel like I still am processing it.

Anton Riksy-Writer, Improviser

Mime 90%
Risk / Spontaneity 83%
Cooking? 50%
Improvisation 93%