Discovering Shades of Blue

Published by ShawnKinley on

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Student Post

Discovering Shades of Blue


(Translated from the original to English by Chat GPT. The original Chinese is below)

This week has been very interesting. We’ve been studying in four different locations, playing together with three good friends, and doing outdoor learning once. The themes were emotions, tilt, and designing games. Every day has been like a roller coaster, full of excitement, and every day has seen concrete progress.

This week, I enjoyed learning about game design the most. We set specific goals for our teammates, listed possible games that could be effective, read them out loud again, picked the ones that felt particularly meaningful, implemented them, and finally reviewed them to see if they were effective. The process of designing games is like solving a puzzle and building a ladder, taking one step at a time, and not directly addressing big issues like emotions. Instead, we give actionable instructions, like mimicking our teammates’ emotions. This game is like mapping out the workings of the mind, figuring out how to intervene in obvious areas while providing maximum support.

I noticed that I am more relaxed outdoors, as the intense indoor lighting can be uncomfortable. Having props makes gaming easier. Being near Tim’s location makes me happy because I can have an ice cup or a snack during breaks. Shawn advised us not to be afraid of changing environments. According to him, we can switch environments based on the students’ states. He mentioned that some people have performed at Tim’s place, and it was a lot of fun. I also want to perform at Tim’s place. The shifts in time and space make the whole course feel like an adventure in Calgary.

As time has passed, our team culture has started to take shape. I am very grateful for Shawn’s course design. Different people participate, and sometimes we are the hosts, with participants entering our “culture,” while at other times, we are guests, entering the “culture” of other groups. And “we” collide with new “us” in the changes of time, space, and connections with people, getting to know “ourselves” better.

Wang Mingyang mentioned the concept of “知行合一” (knowing and doing as one). Improvisational theater has given me many new insights. “知” (knowing) is not just intellectual knowledge; it’s about understanding the heart and mind. blue, storm, decorationFor example, you have the colour blue in your heart, and you recognize it when you see it. Then you practice and discover new shades of blue. Each time, you reveal a bit of your true self, portraying vulnerability and joy in a play, and rediscovering a bit of your new truth.

As for the quote “子非鱼,安知鱼之乐? 知之为知之 不知为不知 是知也.” It can be translated as: “If you are not a fish, how can you know the joy of fish? Knowing it is knowing it; not knowing it is not knowing it. This is true knowledge.”

这周很有意思,我们在四个不同的场地学习,有三个好朋友一起玩,外场学习一次。 主题在:情绪,Tilt,设计游戏。每一天都像过山车刺激,每一天都在具体的进步。 这周我最喜欢学习设计游戏,针对队友的一项具体改变目标,列出可能有效果的游戏,再次朗读,哪个特别有感觉,进行实施,最后复盘看是否有效。设计的过程就像拼图和搭梯子,是迈一步就可以上的去的,不能直接说出宏大的问题比如情绪,而是给可完成的行动指示,比如模仿夸大队友的情绪。这个游戏像把大脑的运行画出来,如何在明显的地方下手同时最大化的支持。 感知环境的影响,我会在户外更容易放开,太强烈的室内光感到不舒适,有道具的时候更容易游戏。旁边有Tim的场地让我高兴,因为休息可以有Ice cup或者小食。Shawn说不要胆怯换环境,根据学生的状态可以随时换,他说有人在Tim做过演出,太好玩了,我也想在Tim演出。时空变化让整个课程就像卡尔加里探险记。 随着时间的推进开始形成我们的团队文化,很感谢Shawn的课程设计,会有不同的人参与,有时候我们是主场,参与人进入我们的“文化”,有时候我们是客场,我们进入其他团体的“文化”。而”我们“在时间,空间,人物链接的变化中碰撞出新的”我们“,认识”自己“。 王明阳说知行合一,即兴戏剧给了我很多新的理解。“知”不是知道是心性,例如你心里有蓝色,看到蓝色才能认识,然后实践,再认识新的蓝色。每次都会抽出一丝真实的自己,用一场戏展现脆弱和欢乐,在找回一点新的真实。 子非鱼,安知鱼之乐? 知之为知之 不知为不知 是知也。
Categories: Anna


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