reMemBEr, Yor pERFekt
my nam iz JONAH
i think i lernd sumthn in my long 2 weeks on Erth.
I am a new improoviser. Wen i wuz yunger i herd the big person say. “he’s a purfect improooviser. he has no script. he duz what he needz to do”
tha onlee thing is — I nevr LERND improoovising.
that maks me theenk that big people forget improoovising. you don’t need to LERN how to improovis… you need to remembr wut you forgot cuz you wer a perfect improoovisr toooo.
bad lessuns in yur life jus made you furget wut you already knew
i promis to lern bettter speling next tim
Birgit · December 1, 2022 at 11:51 pm
Lieber Jonah,
herzlich willkommen bei uns, und grammar and Orthographie is less important.
Ich wünsche dir und deinen oldies das Beste!
🎈❤ Birgit
ShawnKinley · December 17, 2022 at 4:59 am
goot an tag Birgit
thenk u, for riting too me.
i will pass ur messag tooo the oldies.
i am enjoying the wurld and it iz wunderful tooo hear frum nice peeple lik u
smiley face