
Fairy tale is a style, not a format
tilt house behind grass on montmartre

Tilt it Again

THOUGHTS, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, PROCESS, LESSONS,  Student Post TILT IT – AGAIN! PAUL ROBINSON – Week 6 Exercise: Tilt it Again (Shawn Kinley) School of Thought: Keith Johnstone Procedure: Step 1: Two performers up. One starts off stage, one starts on stage. The performer on stage begins a scene. The second performer Read more…

Pivot Point

THOUGHTS, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, PROCESS, LESSONS, Student Post PIVOT POINT ANNA ROBINSON – Week 6 “PIVOT POINT” (A game by Shawn that aims to create a physically dynamic scene Perform a three-person scene Re-do the scene but instruct one improviser to always move to a place on stage where he/she forms the Read more…

red triangle

Three Insights

THOUGHTS, IDEAS, QUESTIONS, PROCESS, LESSONS,  Student Post THREE INSIGHTS ANNA ROBINSON – Week 5 “Three Insights” (original Chinese below) Pay attention and observe carefully. This is not a new discovery. Every week, I am learning, and every scene is a specific practice. Often, my peers have already provided specific expressions Read more…

womans face with green eyes

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